willy smart
I imagine caterpillars as poets.
With Lindsey French, I extract estrogen from urine.
With Anna Orlikowsa, I stage an erotic novel in a houseboat.
I have an essay published about soft reading.
I make two stands for reading gathered stones.
I compose a text in my head and recite it publicly.
I produce a silicone announcement for an exhibition.
I produce a book of fantasies.
I exhibit two basins full of water for an exhibition titled "Dancing in your Head.
I show five apparatuses for training surface reading.
With Lindsey French, I print a plastic fossil.
I redesign the 404 page of an online arts administration journal.
With Lindsey French, I receive and release water samples from industrial and romantic landscapes.
I let the prints of speed reading exercises dry on the remaining lakefront rocks near Belmont Avenue.
I make an outdoor waterbed with a message on its underside.
I float the latex reading diagrams in a spring-fed pond.
I found an artist residency with Misael Soto.
I organize an evening of silent lectures.
I initiate an imprint of a record label dedicated to gaseous releases of rock records.
I write a catalogue essay for Fake Music's Physical Releases imprint.
I receive and recite training in vocal performance.
I present a lecture through the medium of limestone.
I coauthor a book of aphorisms with Brandon Wilner.
With Allyson Packer, I raise a studio floor eighteen inches and install a noise-masking system